Winter is right around the corner, and you know what? Me and my hair do not want to fight with Mother Nature. So what is the solution? Throw those up in braids, twists, or cornrows and be done with it. Yes, protective styles.
My favorite is braids: being that they can be styled in various ways, they last so long (can I get a six months? 👀) and each strand is protected in the braids.
My second favorite is twists, they are very easy to apply and depending on what type I get, it can look very exotic.
My least favorite is cornrows. Hear me out. I do not like the feeling of my hair confined on my head. Especially when it is first applied. Now depending on who is braiding your hair, to me it feels like my hair is trying to hold on to the scalp for dare life! So after grease, a Tylenol, and a nap, the pain is at least doable.
Beauty is pain for real. What is your favorite protective style?
